Work Samples


Comms, Marketing, and PR Content


CMO Op-Eds for B2B Thought Leadership Content

I ghostwrote thought leadership op-eds on behalf of the CMO at Highspot, a B2B SaaS company. I applied a journalistic mindset to the top-of-funnel content—I sought to not just focus on SEO, but on market trends and customer pain points. The three op-eds were published in Forbes:


B2B Customer Storylines for the Media

After reviewing 50 interviews with Highspot customers, I identified 32 storylines that Highspot’s PR agency could pitch to the media. I developed the storylines based on market trends, customer pain points that Highspot’s product addresses, and compelling stories about how customers drove business growth with Highspot’s product.


CEO Op-Eds for Healthcare Thought Leadership Content

I ghostwrote op-eds for the CEO of ThinkWell, a global health consultancy. I conceived the storylines, interviewed the CEO for his ideas, wrote the pieces in his tone & voice, and pitched them to the media.


B2B Talent Marketing Blog

I ghostwrote a blog on behalf of a Highspot employee who climbed Mt. Everest. I interviewed the employee about his experience and tied his Mt. Everest stories to career lessons in order to showcase how Highspot supports its employees to grow in their personal and professional lives.


Data-driven Content

As part of a graduate-level data storytelling class, I produced an op-ed piece that combines journalism with data visualizations. The class equipped me to conduct original data research and analysis to uncover insights for data-driven content that is approachable for wide audiences.


Podcast Episode

Creative agency Duct Tape Then Beer selected my personal essay to be produced as a podcast episode on the Dirtbag Diaries, which has over 18 million downloads and is sponsored by Patagonia. I collaborated with the agency to edit the writing, record the audio, and promote the episode.




Email and Website Copywriting

While in grad school for comms and marketing at the University of Washington, I took a copywriting class with the founder of a marketing agency. I produced assignments using Highspot—a B2B SaaS company where I was working on their comms team—as my theoretical client.


Branding Strategy, Marketing Strategy, and Content Strategy


Marketing Campaign Plan for a Maternal Health Company

As part of a graduate-level marketing class at the University of Washington, I developed a marketing campaign plan for Pomelo Care, a maternal healthcare company, to help them enroll new Medicaid patients.


Brand Analysis and Brand Awareness Campaign Concept

As part of a graduate-level marketing class at the University of Washington, I developed a brand analysis and campaign concept my chosen theoretical client, MiiR, a B Corp drinkware company.


Brand Messaging and Brand Writing Principles

I consulted for Cascade Bicycle Club, a non-profit organization centered around cycling in Seattle, on brand messaging. I created audience journey messaging, I crafted brand writing principles, and I wrote a style guide.


Messaging Framework for the University of Washington

As part of a graduate-level branding class at the University of Washington, I developed a messaging framework for the UW’s Graduate Student Equity & Excellence program.


Decision Science for Content Strategy

As part of a grad school course on decision science for content strategy, I crafted a content strategy for a company that I conceptualized. The course taught me behavioral and social science principles that apply to consumer decision-making so marketers can tap into those decision-making drivers.


Additional Work Samples

Communications & Marketing Content and Copywriting

Client Report for a Healthcare Project in the Congo

In 2016, I traveled to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) on assignment for Pathfinder International to write a 7,000 word project report for the client, the David & Lucile Packard Foundation. The report was focused around human-interest stories. To write it, I interviewed our Congolese partners. You can read an excerpt.

Healthcare Op-ed Published in The Washington Post

During the summer of 2014, I was a communications & marketing intern in Liberia with Building Markets, a private sector development organization. Those three months also happened to be the height of the Ebola crisis. I chronicled my experiences and observations on the epidemic for an op-ed in the Washington Post.

Newsletter Content for a Healthcare Project

While working in comms & marketing at ThinkWell, a global health consultancy, I compiled a project newsletter to send to the project’s client, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and other stakeholders. I identified topics for the newsletter, wrote and edited copy, and designed and published the newsletter using Mailchimp. 

Copywriting: Email marketing 

As an email marketing consultant, I strategized content, drafted copy, and designed emails to improve audience engagement for the Legacy Reef Foundation in Hawaii. You view a sample of my welcome email for new subscribers and a volunteer engagement email.


Marketing Strategy, Brand Strategy, and Content Strategy

Brand Narrative Story Arc Components and Elements

At Highspot, a B2B SaaS company, I helped the comms team draft a brand narrative. To inform a template for the narrative’s outline, I created a resource that outlines the story arc components and key elements that brand narratives should include.

Social Impact Marketing Concept

As part of a graduate-level marketing class at the University of Washington, I developed a social impact marketing concept that’s focused on strengthening outdoor inclusivity for REI Co-op, my chosen theoretical client. 

Marketing Analysis

As part of a graduate-level marketing class that I took at the University of Washington’s Foster School of Business, I analyzed Highspot’s marketing efforts. I looked at the company’s positioning, target market, product offerings, community marketing, customer marketing, product marketing, and communications.

Crafting a Podcast Show and Producing a Pilot Episode

While in my Master of Communication program, I took a podcasting course. In the course, I conceived of a podcast show titled Pivoting Into Marketing. You can view the show brief and listen to the pilot episode.

Podcast Strategy for the University of Washington

As part of a content marketing class in my Master of Communication program, I proposed a podcast strategy for our class client, the University of Washington’s Graduate School. The strategy includes a competitive review, messaging and tone/voice guidance, and implementation and KPI measurement guidance.

Content Strategy: Ladakhi Women’s Travel Company

As part of a content strategy course, I created content strategy recommendations for the Ladakhi Women’s Travel Company in Ladakh, India (I had previously interned at the company). The deck covers a proposed content marketing film, the content ecosystem, a content revenue model, and content strategy implementation.

Qualitative Research for Content and Product Strategy

While in grad school, I took a class on qualitative research for content and product strategy. As part of the class, I selected a theoretical client, Tripadvisor, and answered the research question “How do people decide whether to trust a reviewer's opinion?” You can read my research paper and view the accompanying presentation.


Social Media

Building Brand Awareness Through an Employee Social Media Influencer Platform

I created content for Highspot’s employee influencer platform, EveryoneSocial. The program’s goal was to build organic brand awareness for Highspot by having staff post thought leadership content on their social channels. To do this, I identified thought leadership pieces for the B2B company’s sales and marketing employees to share.

Social Media Content Creation & Channel Management

When I was at ThinkWell, a global healthcare consultancy, I managed their social media channels. In that role, I planned the social media calendar, wrote post copy, and designed accompanying graphics/selected photography for the posts. I organically grew our LinkedIn following by 203% during my year-long tenure managing the account.