
All of these times, I learned that letting go is an exercise in deflating the ego and getting humble and real with yourself. Each time you let go, you are, in some ways, admitting defeat. You pursued a path, labored towards a goal, tried to follow the right advice, but in the end, it didn’t work out.

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Lessons in Distance

But by being apart, we’ve had to learn to really be there. We’ve had to learn how to show up for ourselves, for each other, and for our relationship. We’ve learned to be more open and more honest, more empathetic and more forgiving, more courageous and more resilient. We’ve learned that love doesn’t come handed to you on a silver platter tied up with a bow.

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The Color Orange

I had anticipated an easy day exploring gullies and hidden paths between buttes, but as I descended slabs that veered into steep drops, I imagined slipping and tumbling off. As I maneuvered the crux unroped with open air beneath my feet, my fear of heights made my calves quiver. I was in one of the most beautiful places I had ever been and yet I was too tense to feel excited. ⁣

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Letting Go of Orizaba

Pico de Orizaba towers at 18,491 feet. A white island on the horizon visible for miles across Mexico, it’s the most prominent volcanic peak after Mount Kilimanjaro and the third highest mountain in North America. On the day we drove from Mexico City through the arid countryside, clouds circled its top and I couldn’t tell where the snow stopped and the clouds begun. Orizaba rose endlessly into the sky…

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