Voting for Our Planet

Last night the sunset made the horizon glow like it was on fire. But it wasn’t. The next morning, the sky was blue and the air clean and the trees cloaked in leaves.

The fires are over 3,000 miles away but I’m still mourning the rivers choked in ash, hillsides smudged with charcoal, and animals swallowed up in blazes. “The cure for depression is action,” Yvon Chouinard said. With the election 49 days away, we can all take action by voting for social and environmental justice. Our world cannot afford another four years of climate change denial and inaction.

I’ll be casting my vote for Biden and Harris. If you haven’t yet, make a plan to vote, whether by mail or in-person, based on your state’s rules and deadlines (some have very early registration and mail-in/absentee voting deadlines). In addition to failing our planet, our current administration is suppressing voters, so make sure your voice gets counted!