Content Strategy That's Not Just About Hot Keywords

When putting together a content editorial plan, it’s easy for marketers to dig into the SEO data and focus on crafting content around keywords with high search volume and low ranking competition.

But this approach will probably hand you a lot of website traffic and few conversions.

Instead, your content strategy should be:

  1. Tied to your business goals, since at the end of the day, it's all about driving revenue. For example, a fitness app could measure successful content by the number of free trials started after customers engage with specific content.

  2. Reflective of what interests and inspires your audience. This can be done by identifying the top 3-5 topic areas that your customers are constantly thinking about. For example, an outdoor club could create content around the themes of adventure destinations, conservation, and the outdoor community.

  3. Aimed at solving your customers’ problems. Audience research can dig up trends related to what questions are stumping your audience. For example, if you’re a financial services company, people might ask your customer service team the same types of questions about investment strategies. Your content could answer those common questions.

With that approach, instead of one solely focused on attention grabbing keywords, your content might generate fewer clicks on your site, but the traffic you do receive will likely be more valuable.