What marketing actually does

When I tell people I’m in marketing, I get responses like “so, advertising?” and “isn’t that tricking people into buying things they don’t really need?”

Someone even told me that they thought marketing was a dirty word.


There are clearly some misconceptions.

Dave Gerhardt and Udi Ledergor 🏳‍🌈 explain marketing as making sales easier. Make it easier for the sales team to sell and also make the right kind of sales happen more often.

Obviously, there’s a lot that goes into making sales easier. But it’s really about making your target audience:

👋 Aware that you exist (in a way that earns their attention)
👭 Engaged with your brand and content through relationship building
🌟 Empowered to reach their goals with your product and your content

So the next time someone asks me what marketing actually means, I’ll try to explain it like that. And add that good marketing isn’t about “tricking” people—that would only end up hurting a brand!